I'm Janet SEto

Relationship and Mindset Coach

About Me

Welcome! I'm Janet. I am a passionate coach dedicated to empowering women to develop a strong and conscious mindset. My journey began with a personal transformation that sparked a deep desire to guide others towards their fullest potential. I believe that when you commit to your growth, you can be more present for those around you.

Are you ready to unlock your best self and cultivate genuine and loving relationships? I’m here to help you design your life with purpose, transforming your experiences and connections along the way.

Through personalized coaching and innovative mindset techniques, you’ll feel empowered on your path to self-discovery and create the life of your dreams.

It's Your LIFE!

Embrace your journey, unpack its lessons, own your path, dream boldly, feel deeply, manifest your desires, create your ideal life, and love every moment along the way!

Say YES to you!

Dream It!

Dream without limits. This practice motivates and changes your future trajectory.

Embrace It!

Accept all parts of your journey. Understand that setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow

Own It!

Commit to doing what you say for yourself. Ownership empowers you to be your best self.

Unpack It!

By unpacking your mindset and experiences, you gain clarity and address limiting beliefs.

Feel It!

Connect deeply with your emotions. Embracing them leads to greater self-awareness and resilience.

Manifest It!

Turn dreams into reality through focused intention. Believe in your vision and take inspired steps.

Live It!

Make choices that reflect your authentic self. A harmonious lifestyle with your desires brings fulfillment.

Create It!

Mentally creating your ideal life sets the foundation for physical creation.

Love It!

Love the journey of life. Pursue what sparks joy and brings happiness to your heart.

Plans & Pricing

Connection Call

One Time Only


  • We get to know each other

  • Discuss aspirations and/or challenges

  • I can coach you if you'd like to see what a coaching session is like

  • Address questions and concerns

  • Zero pressure to continue working with me

1:1 Coaching Session

Single Session

120 $

  • A judgement-free coaching session

  • Sessions are infused with love and active listening

  • Valuable help with your mindset and new way of looking at things

  • If you feel you need an additional session, we can line that up

1:1 Coaching Sessions

6-Session Package

599 $

  • Regular weekly sessions

  • Foster lasting relationships and inner growth

  • Discover the power and joy of mindset mastery

  • Ongoing support and accountability from a loving space

  • Transform your life!

Dive into valuable insights and innovative mindset tools designed to help you navigate life and relationships with confidence.

Sign up for my newsletter and I will share proven techniques

to foster growth, improve your mindset, and create relationships

that thrive and endure.

Take that exhilarating first step towards a life of fulfillment and

endless possibilities! Sign up today!

Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Begin Building Lasting Relationships and a Stronger Mindset Today!

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